Okay, so this one won't be too long as I actually want to sleep before 1am so i can get my sorry ass up before 7am.
So the apartment is slowly become some warped menagerie. My roommate decided to buy a few mice to keep in the apartment. No, not as pets, as future food for the snake. SO now we have one red tailed boa, a leopard gecko, a miniature schnauzer, and five, wait, NO four mice. Oh and he's talking about getting another snake too. Is this what happens to single men? I mean when women become spinsters, they are stereotypically pictured with tons of cats. Is the male equivalent like living in a house of reptiles? We will see . . .
I guess I'm pretty close to heading back to full time training again (3 to 4 hours a day, 6 days a week) After yesterday's grueling swim workout of a mile and a half of butterfly followed by a weight workout of the pectoralis major, today was suppose to be an intense fartlek (a type of interval running workout) but the time my friend (whom I trained for that incredibly brutal chicago marathon when it was 96 degrees and HUMID, the picture above) and I chose didn't work with our schedules. SO i went and did another mile and half in the pool followed by a back workout. Just think, in a few weeks I'll be back to swimming 5K a day / 5 days a week . . . but why would I do a stupid thing like that?
The temp in this apartment is so spotty. The front room is hot as balls and I feel like i'm having some sort of hot flash but then you go into the dining room and its ALOT cooler. At least my room is cold enough where I can bundle in blankets and sleep.
Speaking of bundling up, I stopped by my usual hangout on Thursday night, and it was so cold at the bar (the heater was broken) that I left after one beer (a Stella Artois). My friend Kipp (the sexy bartender with the ample breasts) was in full sweatshirt and rubbing her hands with those temporary hand warmers you're suppose to stick in your gloves. And the bar was empty. Yeah, a cold beer definitely was not making me feel warm. So an early friday morning seems inevitable.
Good night folks. There's always something tomorrow . . . I hope.
Until next time . . .